
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2014

Life is...

First, let me think for some time what life is. It is still confusing even though I’ve been living on this (not sure) beautiful life for 24 years. Long enough, huh?

For Me, Also A Gruff Decision

I do realize that I made a shocking decision this early 2014 to adjourn my as-if-it’s-fun graduate study. When I told it silently to my parent, absolutely, they showed their disagreement. Phoning me many times in a day just for convincing me to arrange it to the administration staff did not even change my firmness a bit. Then,

My Gratefulness...

GRATEFUL = feeling or showing gratitude . Artinya, bersyukur. As a human , itu adalah salah satu kewajiban kita karena sudah menerima banyak hal dari Tuhan. Sadar atau tidak disadari. Suka atau tidak. Segala jungkir-balik hidup kita adalah karunia-Nya. Masih untung kan dikasih hidup. Nabi Muhammad yang sudah dijamin surga saja sangat sempat menunjukkan rasa syukurnya pada Allah.

Take a Deep Breath

It’s all about reconciling with myself. I’ve been in an upside-down situation, in a betwixt and between, or whatever you wanna call it. The thing is, it’s a situation I can’t afford. I’ve been expecting something which I think possible and suitable for me. It turns out, I’m wrong. Do I regret it?


[Gak pantas rasanya memulai tulisan di blog tahun ini dengan tone #marah] Rasanya sayang menghabiskan waktu hanya untuk menunggu. Apalagi jika ujungnya, we wait for nothing. Cancellation. Lupa Sibuk Ada yang tertinggal And more and more and moooooore excuses